Saturday, April 11, 2020


Boys of Summer  (Don Henley - Mike Campbell)

I've been a Mary Ann Redmond fan since the late-'80s.  I've probably seen her perform three dozen times and among my proudest possessions are one of her concert flyers from show at The State Theater and a photo of the two of us.  She graciously allowed my wife to take a picture of the two of us at a performance The Mary Ann Redmond Band made in Great Falls.   My wife still makes fun of me for having looked like a love struck teenager in the photo.

Anyhow, if you are a child of the '70s you've probably heard the Eagles original hundreds, if not thousands of times.  I certainly have, to the point the song's been reduced to background noise.

And then I stumbled across Mary Ann Redmond's drastically rearranged version of the tune.  The basic melody is still there and still recognizable, but ... well just check it out for yourself.

Great video production too boot and it features an old Cadillac.

When life get's back to normal, Mary Ann Redmond is one of those acts you owe it to yourself to see.

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